Saturday, February 27, 2010

No Time For Depression, Busy Unwrapping The Gifts Of Life

Make The Right Choice

Time to retire to bed after dinner .I had just entered my room with cluster of thoughts crossing my mind every second...The accumulation was not only in my thoughts but had taken over my room-space as well……Although the clutter in the room was more manageable than that of the cluster in my thoughts….It contained some uncapped bottles of acrylic paint used to create the second important painting of my life …Well, this painting reached where it belonged to but the remaining colors and the brushes smudged in paint added to the accumulated thoughts……….While capping them I took a quick glance through my room to locate space for these bottled up waiting colors……… waiting to be hidden from everyone’s sight forever and ever because the distressed owner was least interested in anything but to flung herself onto the bed ………..well at that point I glanced at my canvas which had a black card paper pinned to it……blank…………waiting for attention…… my thoughts raced in a single direction……….All the clutter had disappeared for that minute because I was diverted to something I am truly passionate about………..I walked up to the canvas ………..Later all that I did was, uncapped all the colors that were available and poured them directly on to the canvas displaying a black sheet…….let the colors drip down to the canvas and then to the floor after being sufficiently absorbed on the canvas………….and suddenly I could feel the happiness and contentment from what I was doing………Strong Red, Positive Orange, Peaceful White, Soothing Green, Gliterring Gold, Cool Blue……..Colors…..Colors ……….Colors…..Everywhere……on the canvas……… on the floor….They possess magic....Magic to enlighten you from within...…….These colors taught me something that day………We all tend to be low at one point or the other but what matters the most in that state is how you handle it and move on without being caught in the darkness of life…………Don’t let cluttered thoughts take over your mind……..Take them off before they control your happiness……….It is left to you whether u want to experience the gifts of life by diverting your thoughts to beautiful things or want to sink into the bottomless well of sorrow and depression…..The choice is yours………
Well….well….well…….don’t u want to see what I made out of those colors by choosing to unwrap the gifts of life???????
Enjoy the colors of life….Happy Colorful Holi To All Of You

1 comment:

  1. very nice lines..We all tend to be low at one point or the other but what matters the most in that state is how you handle it and move on without being caught in the darkness of life...keep on writing
